About Me

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Hi! I am Rahul. After years of bouncing around different sectors, I've been specializing in Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, and Statistics. Being a Technology Lover, I strongly believe 'Nothing can stress or stop you from achieving your dreams if you cherish hope more than your fears.'

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Backprop: What you need to know

 1. Gradients are important: 

- If it's differentiable, we can probably learn on it.

2. Gradients can vanish:

- Each additional layer can successively reduce signal vs noise.

- ReLus are useful here.

3. Gradients can explode:

- Learning rates are important here.

- Batch normalisation can help.

4. ReLu layers can die:

- Keep calm and lower your learning rates.

Source : Machine Learning crash course by Google.

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