About Me

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Hi! I am Rahul. After years of bouncing around different sectors, I've been specializing in Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, and Statistics. Being a Technology Lover, I strongly believe 'Nothing can stress or stop you from achieving your dreams if you cherish hope more than your fears.'

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Atomic Habits - Bullet key summary

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/x4FKRsTHtgAHeEx27

  1. Designing your environment for success:
    • Make your desired changing things visible in your work/home environment.
  2. The TWO-minute rule to start a habit:
    • Start any desired habit by dividing it into segments and complete segments which require your two minutes only.
  3. Master the entry points (or first step) of habit.
  4. Join the community whom normal habit is your desired habit.
  5. Use variable rewards:
    • Most bad habits have immediate rewards and long-term consequences. Most good habits are the exact opposite.
    • Create a reward system.

Problems with Sigmoid and Tanh activation functions

The Sigmoid activation function is also known as the Logistic function . The input to the function is transformed into a value between 0 an...